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Masaito Metal Co., Ltd.
tower, packing
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Metal Perforated Plate Corrugated Packing with Long Service
Metal Perforated Plate Corrugated Packing for separation treatmentMetal perforated plate corrugated packing is a kind of
Metal Wire Gauze Structured Packing - a Quality Structured P
Metal Wire Gauze Structured Packing with High Separation RateThere is a piece of metal wire gauze structured packing set
Metal Cascade Mini Ring- a Random Packing with Low Pressure
Metal Cascade Mini Ring for Packing TowersMetal cascade mini ring is a kind of random packing made of carbon steel or st
Metal Pall Ring for Extraction, Absorption & Fractionati
Metal Pall Ring with High Load ElasticityMetal pall ring is a cylinder whose height is same as its diameter. It has both
Metal Intalox Saddle Ring with High Processing Efficiency
Metal Intalox Saddle - an Acr-Shape Random PackingMetal intalox saddle, also called metal intalox saddle ring, is one of
Metal Rasching Ring Is Widely Used in All Sorts of Packing T
Metal Rasching Ring with Simple Structure and Light WeightMetal rasching ring, whose height is same as diameter, has a s
Metal Conjugate Ring Is Made of Quality SS or Carbon Steel
Metal conjugate ring has the advantages of both ring and saddle packing. It adopts conjugate curved structure with suita
Metal Mellaring Ring with Continuous Surface
Metal Mellaring Ring - a Random Packing with Homogeneous StructureMetal mellaring ring possess good symmetry in geometry
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