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Masaito Metal Co., Ltd.
tower, packing
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Plastic Cascade Mini Ring Increases Mechanical Strength
Plastic Cascade Mini Ring for Rectification TowersPlastic cascade mini ring adopts trumpet-shaped design with several wi
Metal Super Mini Ring with Excellent Separating Effect
Metal Super Mini Ring Helps Improve Handling CapacityMetal super mini ring, whose height-diameter ratio is about 1/3, is
Polyhedron Empty Ball - a Lightweight Random Packing
Polyhedron Empty Ball Is Applied in Purifying & Absorption TowersPolyhedron empty ball is a spherical random packing mad
Plastic Teller Rosette Is Good at Energy Saving
Plastic Teller Rosette with Annular DesignPlastic teller rosette is by designed Teller.A.J., an American, in 1954. It is
Plastic Rasching Ring - a Random Packing with Simple Structu
Plastic Rasching Ring for Various Mass Transfer ApplicationsPlastic rasching ring is a kind of random packing with simpl
Plastic Pall Ring Is Suitable for All Sorts of Industries
Plastic Pall Ring with Good Chemical ResistancePlastic pall ring, having a great improvement on the raschig ring, i
Plastic Intalox Saddle with High Void Volume
Plastic Intalox Saddle - an Economical Random PackingPlastic intalox saddle, composed by annulus and saddle, is made of
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